How to make Sourdough Bread


Zillo's Sourdough Bread Recipe

General principle

The secret to good sourdough bread is taking your time, being patient but being on the case when needed.

Once you have a good working sourdough culture (or mother, or starter), the process of making bread is straightforward. You will take a little of your culture and combine it with rye flour and water in a bowl. Once this has risen well you will add salt and caraway seeds, knead it and then let it rise again. You'll repeat this kneading/rising cycle a couple more times, then bake it in a hot oven.

I like to bake my loaves in a cast iron bastable, as this is good for trapping the moisture in the early stage of baking, but you can bake it on a tray or in a tin. But in this latter case be sure to place a tray of water on a lower shelf for this stage.

Once you are comfortable with this method, you will get a feel for it, your understanding and confidence will grow, and you can then experiment!


Getting the starter going

Using the starter to make sourdough bread

Replenishing the starter